Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS) Library, Cork

About The Library

Liis Cotter is available to assist with queries and sourcing of materials in relation to mental health services.

AMHS Cork Library provides support for research, continuing professional development, education and enhancing patient care by providing best practice evidence.

Library services and facilities are provided for all AMHS Cork staff (North Lee, South Lee, North Cork, and West Cork).

WiFi access: currently none

Out of Hours access: printed materials can be returned independently using Book Returns box located in the library from 7am-6pm.

Contact Us

Adult Mental Health Service, Cork | Library | Inniscarraig Centre | Western Road | Cork | Eircode T12 A8HE

Opening Hours

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Quick Links

All Online Resources

Address: Adult Mental Health Services Library, St. Michael’s Unit, Mercy University Hospital, Grenville Place, Cork.
Telephone: 086 0454481

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